Friday, March 30, 2012


The title of this isn't a joke. I'm addicted... to cloth diapers. When I decided to do cloth for my son I was a complete novice and I bought all the wrong things. It made cding hard. Plus we lived in Korea so finding a company that would ship to our APO and not charge an arm and a leg was a task in itself. When I was pregnant I didn't shop on the economy which possibly could have made things much easier!

I had bough all fitted diapers. Mistake one. I'd also bough prefolds and fitted covers. Now, I don't think there is anything wrong with prefolds but when you have a big baby that out grows a size one only a few weeks after birth... well, it left me turning to disposable.

But things have changed so much in four years! I am completely smitten with one size pocket diapers. And truly, depending on the company you buy from, you won't break the bank. I've found that I really like Lotus Bumz the best for my daughter. They stuff quickly and the inserts are super absorbent. They don't have many prints right now but the few that I have are great! I was lucky enough to find them through a discount baby site and spent $30 on four diapers including shipping. I also love Bumgenius . I scored a few second hand diapers which saved me from having to prep the diapers. I do like and prefer buying second hand diapers for that reason - as long as the diaper is in good condition and was cared for properly.

It's becoming a whole obsession for me now. I'm always looking for deals on the internet and checking my favorite pages. I've been strict on what I'm willing to pay for diapers (otherwise I could really spend far too much money) but I just broke my rule the other day for the first time. I spent too much on a diaper simply because it was so pretty. I got this beauty from the baby beehind company. I've never heard of them which is a risk but look how cute! I might regret this purchase in the end...

When I first thought about using cloth I mostly did it because my mother in law talked it up so much. Plus I wanted to do something good for the environment. At the time those things were my main focus. I'm still concerned with practicing environmentally safe things but I've read about the health benefits for the baby with not exposing her to some of the chemicals in most disposable diapers. However, there is a new company called Honest that has alternative cloth diapers. I do use disposable diapers while on the go and I've been using Huggies Natural but I think I'm going to order from this company when I am running low on my current bag of Huggies (which lasts me a LONG time).

So without getting preachy (I'll save that for another post) on the benefits of cloth diapers, I'm leaving this entry just at my obsession for cute cloth diapers.

And yes, when my daughter starts crawling I'll be finding some with ruffles or pictures on the butt.

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